Gone to be with our Lord
Kaiser Quantis von der Lieb

Kaiser Quantis von der Lieb
Click on Kaiser picture to go to his personal page.
Gollier's Zeus (aka Zeek) Retired

Looking at you is Gollier's Zeus (aka Zeek), our oldest man of the house. I have always had German Shepherds around for protection until one day when Zeek got bored and decided to go to work. He works hard here at the ranch. I have found him to be better at herding, holding, and weeding out horses than any other breed. Zeek, wanting a job had been watching our ranch hand, Bo, until one day he seen Bo was having a hard time catching a horse. Zeek doing what any good friend would do, gave Bo a hand, cut the horse out from the herd and held him until Bo was able to catch up and halter the horse. Good work Zeek. You can't keep a good man down but you can keep him from breeding. Zeek is now retired from his baby making career but he doesn't want to quit working just yet. You can visit Zeek when you come see his pups.